Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Jayce vs. Sammy

Yesterday, Jayce and Jessica went out for a walk and Jessie inadvertantly stepped on Sammy, a garter snake, who was basking in the sunlight. Jayce was ecstatic and ran willy-nilly to find the snake catcher (looks kind of like a garbage picker-upper). Jayce then preceded to catch Sammy. Unfortunately when Jessie took the snake catcher to hold Sammy, he slithered away. So this morning, Jayce was determined to find Sammy once more. We were all a little shocked when Jayce ran in yelling he's back, he's back. This time I was prepared to document the experience though. Jessica, Trevor, Jayce, and I all went outside to "catch" Sammy. However, when we got there, Sammy was quickly returning to his hole under a slab of cement:( Jayce would never say die, and returned multiple times to the scene of Sammy's disappearance. On the third try, we walked outside, and Sammy was curled up outside his hole, content and basking. Jayce lunged with the snake catcher, startling Sammy into retreat, and as Sammy was about to slip from our grasp once more, Jayce made a last ditch effort and with another thrust of the snake catcher came away with the prize. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you... Sammy!!

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