Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Grotto

Well today, we decided we needed to have a little adventure. After much deliberation we decided that hiking to the grotto was just enough adventure for all of us. The grotto is a waterfall in a grotto which cascades into a small pool. We had all been there before, but our last trip there was not without excitment, as my Uncle led us down the wrong trail, and a little ways out of our way. In order to prevent such events from repeating themselves, we took great care in planning our journey looking online for directions. We finally felt that we had things under control and departed. After driving about five miles into Payson Canyon, Grandma swore up, down, and sideways that we had gone too far. My mother and I both protested that we had not yet reached the trailhead hence the reason that we had not seen the sign pronouncing the beginning of the trailhead. For the next couple of miles, Grandma was certain that we were headed the wrong direction and wasn't afraid to let us know. Finally, we rounded a corner and there was a big sign that read The Grotto with an arrow pointing to the trailhead, meanwhile Grandma is still complaining that we have gone to far, and questions why we are parking. Grandma did not want to make the hike with us, so decided to stay in the car.

After piling out of the mini-van, we were well on our way. The trail began with a treacherous slope leading straight into the sky, as I stood at the bottom pondering why I was doing this, the adventurer in me took over, and I was off. Okay, so really there was a short little hill, but it is much more exciting this way. After traveling long distances over crumbling brides, and unsure footpaths, we finally arrived at our destination, The Grotto.

I must say that it was a fun adventure, and the hike of about a quarter mile wasn't too bad (at least now that it is over) The waterfall looked very nice, and it was fun to be able to spend time with the family. Jessica, Jayce, and Trevor decided that they were not through with their wanderings, and decided to climb to the top of the waterfall. I know that from some of these pictures, it is not apparent that they are at the top, but I guarantee that they really were.

After we returned to the car, we drove up the canyon, and stopped for a picnic. It was a lot of fun, and it felt cool, but there were a lot of annoying bugs that I just didn't like.

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