Saturday, August 23, 2008

Drinking Games!!

Last night, Jessica calls to see if we would like to come over to her and Trevor's house for a party. There will be pizza, and games. Jayce and I were put in charge of getting drinks and asking the girls, Christy, Janaya, and Caitlyn to come and bring dessert. Jayce called Janaya and she said that they could come but they couldn't bring dessert. So Jayce told her that if she brought Christy, he was sure I would spring for dessert. So then Jayce called Jessica to tell her that the girls were coming. So then Jayce had to call Janaya back and tell her to invite Tania at which point Janaya told him that the girls would be able to provide a pan of brownies for our soiree.

While all of this was happening, Jayce and I were watching the Cosby Show. We were enjoying an episode where Vanessa goes to a friends house and gets drunk playing drinking games. Jayce and I both thought what better way to rock a party than by playing drinking games. So we called Janaya and told her to bring some shot glasses (she collects) to the party.

Jayce and I then hurried to the store where we purchased a cake, some juice, and some sparkling apple cider. We were off to the party. Woohoo!!

The party was great fun, and after dinner, broken glasses, boundless hilarity, an excursion to deseret book, and a thouroughly one-sided game of taboo, it was time for the drinking game. We decided to play the one that we had seen on the Cosby show, where you go around a circle clapping a rhythm, and naming citys using the letters of the alphabet. Atlanta, Buffalo, Crede, Denver... and so on and so forth. The person who breaks the rhythm or can't think of a city is required to take a shot. Quite etertaining; however, we discovered, that when using sparkling cider, no one actually gets drunk. And when people get drunk, they get stupider resulting in lack of city nameage, and more drinking. Fortunately none of us were drunk but unfortunately none of us were getting any stupider. Luckily for us, we weren't the brightest bunch to begin with. All in all it was just a fun night!!

1 comment:

Dianne said...

How am I suppose to compose a talk on "Raising Righteous Children" when said children are all off playing drinking games with each other?? Oh woe is me.