Saturday, May 15, 2010

Gila Valley Temple

So a couple of a weeks ago, my mom asked me if I would be willing to ditch work to go to the Gila Valley Temple open house with her. I told her that it sounded like fun but that I couldn't ditch work that week. Well we never got all the schedules of everyone who wanted to go aligned... So I figured that we wouldn't get to go. Well on Tuesday of this past week, I found out that Christy was getting out of the hospital, so i decided that it would be fun to try and go with her, but I didn't know when it ended. So the next night I went to the Mesa temple because my aunt was gettting her endowments. I mentioned to someone that Christy was getting out on Thursday and my mom asked if that meant I was ditching work on Friday to take her to the open house and I said sure. From there it grew, and Christy, Sandy, my mom, Jayce, Karley, and I all ended up going to the open house on Friday. It was awesome, I was so glad that I was able to go with Christy. My mom has more pictures that I am sure she will put up on her blog, but here are a few.


Dianne said...

Knock me over with a smashed bird feather! Jaron posted a blog!!! Thanks for letting me crash your temple trip. I enjoyed myself immensely.

Jessica said...

"If you see a roadrunner and then run over it, do you still get the blessing"

Janaya L. Johnson said...

first off, mother, what in the world does, "knock me over with a smashed bird feather" mean??? second, jessica, no, you dont get the blessings because they all blew up when you ran over the bird. third, jaron, i am so jealous!! i wish that i could have gone to the open house! its okay, one day ill just have to go through with my husband or something ;) and last, i love you guys! i miss you all! <3.

Dianne said...

Dearest Janaya - "knock me over with a feather" is a cliche that means I was VERY SURPRIZED. I added the smashed part because it was representative of our outing - (refer to comment #2 by Jessica.) We wish you could have been here to go with us to and look forward to the time when we get to go to the temple with you with that special someone or something.

missykac said...

Sounds like a very fun day! I'm glad you all got to go. Looks beautiful! I'm anxious to see more pictures and hear more. My prayers are with you.

Love ya,
Aunt Kathy

Janaya L. Johnson said...

dearest dear mother of mine:
something? what you think im going to go to the temple with a dog??? maybe with a "smashed bird feather"?? i sure hope its not something. or do you mean like with a cold, i could see that, i could go to the temple with a cold. very possible. i think i may understand now. did you guys run over a roadrunner??? dishonor! dishonor on you! dishonor on your cow! i saw a quail whilst i was taking pictures. it was not pleased that we were intruding its home. <3.

Dianne said...

Darling daughter Janaya - if you refer to comment #3 you are the one that mentioned going to the temple with "something". I was just agreeing with you. There were two vehicles that traveled to the temple and no my vehicle did not cause injury to any poor roadrunner. We just got to drive through the cloud of feathers so my cow has not been dishonored. Actually, we are not sure what kind of bird it was. Some people say it was flying while some people say it was running. All I know is it was large and had brownish feathers.

Jaron said...

For clarification, I have not now nor have I ever run over a roadrunner. The bird was flying and chose to dive under my car which still makes me deserving of any and all blessings anyhow. Also, any smashed feathers came from the car behind me, as since it has already been mentioned I simply left a cloud of feathers!!!